The Saga of Ignorante Wines
The history behind this project
It’s been a long road…This is a project with a different rhythm, where the results demand patience, humility and the capacity to accept another time pace. NATURE RULES, we tend to forget it…
To remind us of this evidence see the videos of Nature is Speaking here.

Jorge Leonardo, a Portuguese in diplomatic functions from 1999 until 2012, returned to his alma mater after years of living abroad in several countries, engulfed by international negotiations and PAPERS…

Yaël Moreno, a casting director from Madrid, works in the Spanish movies industry. In between American movie productions she loves to let her hands taking care of the soil and plants…
They met some years ago and they fell in love. They had a dream…
One day they decide to take care of a centenary property in Dão Region, in Portugal. With a small but ancient vineyard.
“We should produce the best wines, of excel quality, in the (small) quantities that Nature wants to offer us!”
The point of departure is their assumed IGNORANCE, but also their determined will to fight against all obstacles, learn and have fun!
IGNORANTE is born from this determination to know.
GRANDALHÃO (aka Big Boy) arises from the will to have fun, while learning.
Both were made for YOU to taste and enjoy, with family and friends. Or just for YOU!
On our approach to learning we were inspired by the book “THE VIRTUES OF IGNORANCE – COMPLEXITY, SUSTAINBILITY AND THE LIMITS OF KNOWLEDGE”
published by The University Press of Kentucky, USA.
“In short, knowledge alone is not adequate to run the world. (…) We call this view the ignorance-based worldview, and we predicate it on the assumption that human ignorance will always exceed and outpace human knowledge and, therefor, that before we make any decision or take any action, we must consider who and how many are involved, the level of cultural change that will be involved and the chances of backing out if things go sour. In no way such a view implies that we should not seek knowledge or that we are stupid or even wicked, but it does force us to remember things, cause us to hope for second chances and provide an incentive to keep the scale small.”
This project has been financed exclusively with our own private funds.